In facts, some people have let this factor determine whether a relationship should work or not. But does it really matter whether your partner is older or younger than you? Let’s take a look at what age has got to do with a sexual relationship according to London Escorts of
Dating an older woman
Most women who are after sex prefer dating younger men for the obvious reasons-younger men are more energetic than their older counterparts. There is nothing that drives a women crazy than having sexual partners who know how to rock their world. This fantasy only comes to life when a younger man is in the picture.
Younger men are also regarded as adventurous, and an older woman wants that in a relationship. Every woman wants to be appreciated and made young again. The best way to achieve that is giving her the ride of a lifetime according to London Escorts.
Dating an older man
On the other hand, men also love a younger woman. A younger woman (apart from having a tighter vagina) also has appealing features. Her breasts are still in the right shape and a nice figure always turns men on.
Older men are sexually experienced and enjoy showing their expertise to someone who can reciprocate. In some cases, their counterparts are too lazy and worn-out to quench this desire. This is why a younger woman can be in a better position to handle the heat.
How older men make their women sexually satisfied
Since older men also want to catch up their rivals (the younger men), they have devised creative ways to satisfy women. This includes reading novels, porn magazines and watching porn according to London Escorts. This actually tends to work. Such content boosts the sex drive in men and desire to work harder in bed.
Older men also arm themselves with sex toys their women love. Since they want to keep the fire burning, men use sex toys to keep the woman excited after ejaculation or when the penis lets them down. Although it’s not right health wise, older men are using chemicals such as Viagra to boost their act. This works in favor of women but its negative effect on men can be long term. It is advisable to seek natural remedies to boost your libido.
That said, age shouldn’t be a determining factor when looking for a sexual partner. Either way, one can get sexually satisfied as long as the sexual partners understand each other’s sexual expectations and desires.