We all face our own personal problems and demons. Sometimes it is not easy to talk them over with our friends. When you talk to a friend, it is often too easy to feel exposed and vulnerable. Really, friends should not make you feel like that. But, when it comes to friendships, things quickly become complicated. We may even feel embarrassed to talk to our friends about our problems. For instance, telling my London escorts that I am bisexual was one of the most difficult thing that I have ever done even though many other London escorts are bisexual.
When I first realised that my sexuality was not straight forward, I have to admit that I did not turn to one of my London escorts friends at first. I felt uncomfortable and did not want the other girls at London escorts to gossip about me. Yes, I know that I should not have worried. I knew many London escorts are bisexual but I still felt like I was standing out like a sore thumb. It took me a long time to realise it was okay to talk to my friends about my bisexuality.
Looking back, I realise exactly what my problem was when it all came down to it. I really did not have the confidence to talk to my London escorts friends. Although I knew several of the London escorts at my agency very well, I still did not have the confidence to talk to them about it. In the end, I felt so mixed up about my sexuality that I ended up going to a therapist. Yes, I found that talking to a stranger was much easier.
I am not the first person at our cheap escorts in London agency to find myself in that kind of situation. Since then I have found out that many of the other girls that I work with at our escort agency, find it easier to talk to people who are perfect strangers. That does not mean we should talk to strangers on the Tube, but we should certainly appreciate that our friends may not have all of the answers. Talking helps but it has to be to the right person, and this is why I spoke to a therapist.
I thought that she handled the situation very well. She smiled, looked at me and asked if that was really such a big deal? All of a sudden it felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Within minutes I found myself spilling the beans to her and I began talking about all of the things that I had wanted to talk about with my friends from London escorts for such a long time. For the longest time she did not say anything. She just sat there and listened. That small gesture helped a lot and I soon started to feel better. It was a bit like a confession. So, perhaps it is true, it is sometimes easier to talk to a stranger than a personal friend.