When you work for London escorts, you end up meeting all sorts of men. Last night, a new exciting man turned up at my London escorts boudoir door. It was the first time he had dated a girl from a London escorts agency and it took me a little time to get him to relax. Anyway, he turned out the be a really nice guy. We ended up having a chat and a glass of wine, and I have to admit that it took us some time to really know each other
After we had been chatting for a little while, he said asked me a question that no man I had met at cheap escorts in London had never asked me before. He asked me what makes me horny of all the things in the world. Well, since I have been with London escorts, I have been asked all sorts of things but that was not a question that I had been asked before. It is not easy to surprise me but I have to admit that on this occasion I was a little bit dumbstruck.
Instead of getting flustered, I sat down for a few minutes and thought about what makes me horny. I think that there is a huge difference when it comes to things that make men and women horny. Last weekend I went shopping with my London escorts colleagues and I have to admit that going shopping is just one of the things that make girls horny. I love going shopping and I think it is not only girls from London escorts who get horny when they go shopping. Anyway, going shopping is one of the things that makes me horny.
The other thing that makes women really horny is going for a tantric massage. You would probably not have thought that female London escorts would date male London escorts, but we do. When you work for an escort agency in London, it is pretty hard to have a steady relationship. This is why so many girls who work for London escorts agencies like to date male London escorts. The guy I go to is really good with his hands, and when he gives me a tantric massage he makes me super horny. That is a really good example of what makes me horny.
Anyway, at the end of the date, he ended up telling me what makes him super horny. I would have thought that it would be something run of the mill, but it was not. Most men who like to date London escorts think that their personal need is special. Most of the time, it is not but on this occasion, I had found myself a man with a very special personal need. I am sure that my friends would agree with me and I can’t wait to tell them. Now, where is my pen and my Marigold’s – I am ready to take dictation now sir… are you ready for me? I hope that you are.